Monday 12 March 2018












कुंडली विश्लेषण

आप मकर लग्न मे पैदा हुई है । इस लग्न का अधिपती शनि है । ये सातवाँ भाव (कलत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है । द्वितीय भाव (धन भाव) कुंभ राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती शनि है। ये सातवाँ भाव (कलत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है । तृतीय भाव (भ्रातृ भाव) मीन राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती गुरु है. ये पंचम भाव (पुत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है । चतुर्थ भाव (मातृ भाव) मॆष राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती मंगल है । ये सातवाँ भाव (कलत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है । पंचम भाव (पुत्र भाव) वृषभ राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती शुक्र है । ये दसवां भाव (राज्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । छठा भाव (शतृ भाव) मिथुन राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती बुध है । ये नौवां भाव (भाग्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । सातवाँ भाव (कलत्र भाव) कर्क राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती चंद्र है । ये दसवां भाव (राज्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । आठवाँ भाव (आयु भाव) सिंह राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती सूर्य है । ये नौवां भाव (भाग्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । नौवां भाव (भाग्य भाव) कन्य राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती बुध है । ये नौवां भाव (भाग्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । दसवां भाव (राज्य भाव) तुल राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती शुक्र है । ये दसवां भाव (राज्य भाव) मे स्थित् है । ग्यारहवाँ भाव (लाभ भाव) व्रुश्चिक राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती मंगल है । ये सातवाँ भाव (कलत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है । ग्यारहवाँ भाव (लाभ भाव) व्रुश्चिक राशि मे आतीहै । इस घर का अधिपती गुरु है । ये पंचम भाव (पुत्र भाव) मे स्थित् है ।

आपका राशि तुल है । आप स्वाति नक्षत्र, चौथे चरण मे पैदा हुईहै । आप राहु महादशा मे पैदा हुई है। 
आपका लग्न: केलिये
शुभ ग्रह: शुक्र बुध सूर्य शनि
अशुभ ग्रह: मंगल चंद्र गुरु
मारक ग्रह: मंगल चंद्र गुरु
योग कारक ग्रह: शुक्र

विभिन्न गृहों में भावाधिपति की भविष्यवाणियां

ये भविष्यवाणी होरा शास्त्र से ली गई हैं.
Your lagna lord, Saturn is placed in seventh house. आपका पति आपके साथ नहीं रह पाएगा या कुछ स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का होगा। अगर लग्न स्वामी शुभ ग्रह है, तो कोई निश्चय ही भ्रांत होगा, ग़रीबी का सामना करेगा और निराश हो जाएगा। आप वैकल्पिक रूप से एक नेता बनेंगे (यदि कहा गया ग्रह मजबूत है)।
Your second lord, Saturn is placed in seventh house. आप दूसरों के आदी होंगे और आप एक डॉक्टर होंगे। अगर कोई लसीर दूसरे प्लेयर या पहलू द्वारा संयोजन के अनुसार कहा गया प्लेसमेंट से संबंधित है, तो आपका जीवन साथी संदिग्ध चरित्र का होगा।
Your third lord, Jupiter is placed in fifth house. You will have sons and be virtuous. If in the process the 3rd Lord be in conjunction with, or receives an aspect from a malefic, you will have a formidable life partner.
Your fourth lord, Mars is placed in seventh house. You will be endowed with a high degree of education, will sacrifice your patrimony and be akin to the dumb in an assembly.
Your fifth lord, Venus is placed in tenth house. You will enjoy a Raja Yoga and various pleasures and be very famous..
Your sixth lord, Mercury is placed in ninth house. You will trade in wood and stones (Pashan also means poison) and will have fluctuating professional fortunes.
Your seventh lord, Moon is placed in tenth house. You will beget a disobedient husband, will be religious and endowed with wealth, sons etc.
Your eighth lord, Sun is placed in ninth house. You will betray your religion, be a heterodox, will beget a wicked husband and will steal others wealth.
Your ninth lord, Mercury is placed in ninth house. You will be endowed with abundant fortunes, virtues and beauty and will enjoy much happiness from co-born.
Your tenth lord, Venus is placed in tenth house. You will be skilful in all jobs, be valorous, truthful and devoted to elders.
Your eleventh lord, Mars is placed in seventh house. You will always gain through your wifes relatives, be liberal, virtuous, sensuous and will remain at the command of your spouse.
Your twelfth lord, Jupiter is placed in fifth house. You will be bereft of sons and learning. You will spend, as well as visit shrines in order to beget a son.

Dwi graha yogas (Two planets in one house)

You are having Sun and Mercury in one sign.
If the Sun and Mercury are in one House, you will be in service, will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be noble, dear to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning.
You are having Moon and Venus in one sign.
Should the Moon and Venus be together, you will be endowed with flowers, incense and clothes, will know to perform duties (kriya also means rites), be dear to your race, very lazy and expert in buying and selling.
You are having Mars and Saturn in one sign.
Mars and Saturn be together, one will be a metallurgist. be expert in jugglery, be deceitful, skillful in thieving, troubled by weapons and poison and be fond of quarrels.

Thri graha yoga (Three planets in one house)

Chatur graha yogas (Four planets in one house)

Planetary Predictions

Sun Sign and House placement

Should the Sun be in Virgo at birth, the person will possess a physique akin to that of a female, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, be learned and will render service to Gods and elders. She will be expert in repairs of driven vehicles, will be skillful in Vedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softly and kindly.Sun in the 9th bhava
Born with the paternal curse; possess wealth, children and relatives; orator; preacher; spiritual guru; high rank in the religious institution or in the temple committee. Even if you are less attached to your father and have little respect for him, you will have paternal wealth.

Moon Sign and House placement

If the Moon is posited in Libra at birth, the native will have elevated nose, broad eyes, will have weak (not prominent) face and emaciated body, will have many wives, many bulls (cattle) and abundant landed property, be valorous, will have testicles resembling that of an ox, be skillful in work, will honour Gods and the wise, be endowed with various kinds of wealth, will be conquered by females, will have an emaciated body (this is a repetition), will donate corns, will not be firm in disposition and will be helpful to her relatives.Moon in the 10th bhava
Beautiful body; will not harm anyone; rich; virtuous husband. Marine job; fisheries; medicines; salesman etc.

Mars Sign and House placement

If Mars is in Cancer at birth, the subject will like living in others' houses, be deformed, sick, will attain riches through agriculture, will enjoy royal food and robes during childhood, will eat food in others' houses, will become wealthy through the source of water, be repeatedly anguished and be always distressed.Mars in the 7th bhava
Quarrel monger; do improper things; delay in marriage; cruel nature; premarital relationship. If Mars is in its own house or exalted, there will be less problems in married life..

Mercury Sign and House placement

If Mercury occupies her exaltation Sign at the time of one's birth, the native will be quite virtuous, eloquent, skillful, will have knowledge of writing (be an exponent) and poetry, be learned in fine/mechanical arts, be sweet in disposition, be liked by women, be not much virile, be the eldest son of family, be honoured by virtuous, be disposed to serve others, modest, argumentative, famous, charitable and strong.Mercury in the 9th bhava
You are very clever; proficient in poetry and music; learned man; famous businessman and consultant. You will be very lucky when Mercury conjuncts with Venus in the 9th.

Jupiter Sign and House placement

Should Jupiter be in Taurus, one will be endowed with a broad body, be corpulent, will honour Brahmins and Gods, be splendourous, fortunate, attached to her husband, be endowed with good appearance, profession, cows and abundant wealth; will possess good articles and ornaments, be distinguished in speech, intelligence and skill; will have political / judicial wisdom, be modest, be endowed with medical accomplishments and be skillful in experiments.Jupiter in the 5th bhava
You will have spirituality, dexterity, blessings of the good deeds of the previous birth, virtuous children, foresight, wealth, happiness and relatives. You may be grieved by your children when Jupiter is in the 5th. bhava

Venus Sign and House placement

If Venus occupies Libra, the native will acquire hard-earned money, be valorous, endowed with superior robes etc., interested in living in foreign countries, will protect her own people, be skillful in her duties, rich, meritorious, famous by honouring Gods and Brahmins, be a scholar and be fortunate.Venus in the 10th bhava
Artist; maker of ornamental things; interior decorator; architect; designer; story writer; arts; sports; finance; textiles; comfortable job in foreign companies; job connected with clothes. You will wear good clothes and maintain hygiene.

Saturn Sign and House placement

If Saturn is in Cancer, one will possess a beloved husband, be devoid of wealth in boyhood, will suffer many diseases, be learned, motherless, soft-spoken, distinguished in acts, will always contract diseases, will trouble others, be inimical to relatives, crooked, be kingly in her mid-life and will enjoy growing pleasures.Saturn in the 7th bhava
Delay in marriage; lazy; marry a person older than you; wanderer; lacking in wealth; no fortune of children. If Saturn in the 7th is strong or exalted, there will be no harmful effect.

Rahu Sign and House placement

Rahu in Sagittarius is the surest sign of happiness and quietude, so long as the native knows how to be contented, which is usually the case, inasmuch as progress is fairly quick in this sign.Rahu in the 12th You will get wealth from others/ from foreign country or through illegal means. You may die of poison/leprosy.

Ketu Sign and House placement

Ketu in Gemini often causes inharmonious relations with those around the native, or with distant relatives. This may entail disputes over money matters which will be detrimental to the native, as many people may be jealous of him and put obstacles in her way. Kethu in the 6th bhava
You will live abroad, get large income from there; and will do anything without a hitch. You will have a strong and healthy body. You will be a community leader; respected by your people; attached to your relatives; and rich. Kethu in the 6th is yoga Karkta

লগ্নেশ বিভিন্ন ভাবে

শনি দেব বিভিন্ন ভাবে

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